Click REGISTER HERE! on the white tab above. A new page will open to our Homeschool-Life site.
Click REQUEST MEMBERSHIP IN THIS ORGANIZATION below the SECURE LOGIN tab. (Please do not request membership if you are not ready to enroll your student in a class as this process does charge us a fee. If you have questions to make your decision about Grace, please email us at
Complete the Form (Create a Username and Password. Please save this information as this will be your Username and Password to retrieve assignments and view school information).
To continue the Registration process, you MUST email Type "ENROLL NOW" in the subject line and email us your student(s) name and the grade they will be entering for the academic year in which you are enrolling your student(s). (**Students must be the appropriate age for the grade in which you enroll them. If a student is younger or older than the typical age for that grade, please email or call us to discuss the situation. We can usually work with you**).
Upon receiving your "ENROLL NOW" email, we will manually send you an invoice for the Registration Fee via email from Square (a 4% credit card surcharge will be added with every credit/debit transaction if paying online through Square. To pay by check, you may request mailing instructions by contacting us at
Once we have received your Registration Fee payment, we will manually approve your login for Homeschool-Life and put your student(s) in their class. You will then be able to log into your account on the Homeschool-Life site. (Your student will not have a reserved spot in Grace unless payment of the Registration Fee has been paid and the approval email has been sent--we will verify that there is an opening in the grade you need, and we will contact you if there is no availability or if a waiting list has been started for that grade).